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Thread: Blue and Grey Response

  1. #1

    CSA Captain

    Vulcarin's Avatar
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    Nov 2017

    Blue and Grey Response

    1st I want to say most of you know me and I have not really had any problems with most of the company commanders, we have been setting up events together for quite some time now and have pretty much always gotten along. As you all may have heard are are starting to hear 1st Georgia is the group that has been, and i quote, "excommunicated" from BG(feel like im watching a John Wick movie). I started BG when I approached Labell during his Isolation from the rest of the community. Let me say that again, Labell was outed by the community and we went to him and said lets hook up and make a large group where we can fill a server. And thats how BG started, dont believe anything else anyone of those guys say. He got what he wanted and got us out so he can be the, and I quote, "face of the group" the original purpose of that group was to not have people in charge and have a collection of people coming together to play events...congrats buddy you booted the biggest and best group in BG to gain control. They will say they booted us because we couldn't control 1 guy in our group. Lets let that sink in a bit, they are so soft they cant handle some bad language and the occasional TK from a guy that is actually a really nice guy but enjoys his liquor a little too much sometimes. This is something we all have dealt with time to time, but to boot an entire organization, the creator of that organization over it, baffles me.

    Please anything you hear, remember there are always 2 sides to a story, come to me or Chickymagua for our side and dont judge us on the BG side of the story which is going to be biased, everything they said we did, they did the same shit to us in retaliation or preemptive in some cases.

    So with all that being said i will not comment anymore on this and will sit back with my popcorn and laugh at their responses.

    1st Ga will be looking for groups to play with going forward, over the last few weeks we have had 80-90 players showing up for our events and thats for only our 2 companies(50ish for Company A and 40ish for company B) We can fill a side now and want to play with all the other groups out there. I will be reaching out to commanders for games, feel free to hit me up as well.

    Maj Vulcarin Able company

  2. #2

    CSA Captain

    C. Moser's Avatar
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    South East Kentucky
    Sorry to hear this Vulcarin. I don't know if you remember me it's been a while since I have played with you all, but I hope you and 1st Georgia Regulars are doing well.

    I wish you all a (early) Merry Christmas.

  3. #3

    "[4:18 AM]
    [1stGa A]Maj. Vulcarin:
    LOL you all are such fags and losers. Afraid and jealous of our success and long standing in community. Ive never seen such a soft group of losers before. To all of you FUCK YOU!!!! and the creators have been kicked, Thats too funny. And who the fuck are you Machado to be doing the kicking, i dont even know who you are!!!

  4. #4

    CSA Captain

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    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyy View Post

    "[4:18 AM]
    [1stGa A]Maj. Vulcarin:
    LOL you all are such fags and losers. Afraid and jealous of our success and long standing in community. Ive never seen such a soft group of losers before. To all of you FUCK YOU!!!! and the creators have been kicked, Thats too funny. And who the fuck are you Machado to be doing the kicking, i dont even know who you are!!!
    Thats fine buddy you all deserved that...

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Hi guys, some of you know me and for those of you that don't please don't consider me a representative of 1st Georgia, just a dude that started playing the game a year ago and finally joined a regiment in September.

    I had no idea what BG was until a few weeks into the regiment (what kind of a recruit gives a fuck about politics? just give me a line battle) but I was impressed about the friendship and union between different groups. It's a forlorn hope in other communities and it's something very special about the WoR gang compared to other games. I'm glad the holidays are here so we're all busy buying our fucking shitty kids presents because I'm confident we'll be back compromisin' and ingratiatin' and training to kill yankees. i was gonna back space all this cuz its really unneccessary but i already typed it out ok here we go

  6. #6

    CSA Major

    Leifr's Avatar
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    May 2015
    You're all sure-fire winners here.

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