Jenkins' Brigade
Hi there, rebels and yanks! We are historically-accurate, veteran-trained regiments fighting under Jenkins' Brigade that LOVE killing Yankees, and HATE their guts. We seek to recreate Jenkins' Brigade of South Carolina as it fought in the Antietam campaign as accurately as possible.
The brigade served in Jones' Division under Longstreet's Corps in the Army of Northern Virginia, and at the time consisted of the following units:
1st SC Volunteers
2nd SC Rifles
4th SC Battalion
5th SC Infantry
6th SC Infantry
Palmetto Sharpshooters
Fauqier's Artillery
Traditionally, the South Carolinians were known for their anger and drunkenness in the field, and we fight no differently! Our mentor had nearly 3,000 in-game hours, and trained us to his standards. We operate as a disciplined force in the field, and strive for glorious Southern victories!
FIND US: Please visit us on Discord here, or have a look at our companies on the War of Rights company tool, listed below. Our Youtube channel is here. We have no attendance requirement, and men are free to come and fight with us as they please. We train all of our men to an above-average basic standard regarding marching, rifle fire, and bayonet use, with auxiliary drills regarding more advanced tactics. We also participate in many of the events across the War of Rights community, including North American and European time zone-friendly events.
Regiments, Companies, and Batteries
2nd South Carolina Rifles (Reserved) - Y7Bai6q.pngCaptain Dark Knight
2nd SC A (NA) - TyRwxFy.png1st Lt. Winters
2nd SC B (NA) - 1st Sgt. McDuffie
2nd SC C (NA) - Sergeant Smears
2nd SC D (EU) - Sgt. Maj. JumboClarkie
4th South Carolina Infantry Battalion (Reserved) - YhAEHFd.pngColonel Walsh
4th SC A (NA) - Cpl. Rustler
5th South Carolina Infantry (Reserved) - yFaXNqS.pngMajor CrohnX
5th SC A (NA) - Y7Bai6q.pngCaptain Uruka Takemoto
5th SC B (NA) - TyRwxFy.png1st Lt. Carl
5th SC C (AUS/Graveyard shift NA/Asia) - 1st Sgt. Chad
5th SC D (EU) - TyRwxFy.png1st Lt. Zawwin
6th South Carolina Infantry (Reserved) - ZhewMjz.pngLt. Col. Dishonor
6th SC A
6th SC B (NA)
6th SC C (NA)
6th SC D (RUS/EU)
6th SC E (NA)
Brooks' Artillery Battery (Reserved)
Brooks' Battery (Any Region)
*We have substituted Brooks' Battery for Fauqier's Artillery since that unit does not exist in the company tool.
As of this post, our numbers sit around 450 men on paper, with varying levels of activity. We welcome any and all who wish to join.
Historical info:
Micah Jenkins:
South Carolina! First to secede!