FA Sunday Event
The FA is looking to host a weekly event at 1pm EST (6pm GMT) .
If you or your company is interested please post here on this thread. We are looking for both Union and Confederate, NA, EU or Other. As long as you can make it.
FA is Hosting a weekly Skirmish at 6pm GMT on a Sunday.
Historic Battle (Skirmish)
1. One Skirmish Group Per Team - Between 3-6 guys
2. Cover allowed but lines must be retained.
3. Capture point disabled. Kills only
4. Move out at 42:00
5. No Rambos!
6. No stealing colours from teammates.
7. Messengers only, no using ingame text Chat or Discord/TS.
8. Meeting with participating units held 30 mins before the event, you must show up to the meeting with and be able to tell us how many are attendending the event.
9. De-breif after the event.
10. 10 men per line, below that they must join a line.
Contact: Maj. Xbwalker https://steamcommunity.com/id/xbwalker/ Or Myself https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065450295/
for further information.