My newest event that I am hosting is going to be tomorrow, later on today, since its past midnight where i live, my time zone is Eastern Standard Time. This will be union side, since I am enrolled in a union regiment that I lead and own, I have 0 members, so, this is your chance to join the regiment if you're not in a regiment. I am currently trying to get with the federal army brigade, to do this, my regiment must be active and successful, we will be on small servers, big servers, drill camps, and what ever else comes our or my way, add me on steam for we can keep in contact. Add me on discord too. DarthVaderGE1822#2141
Link to my steam profile here,
My name Is Joshua, and I am 19. Have a great one guys and sorry for the short message, but, I have got to get to bed if I am going to do this event later on today, have a great rest guys!