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Thread: Spawn onto the field already reloaded

  1. #1

    Spawn onto the field already reloaded

    My suggestion is that when you spawn in at the main spawn or on the flag that the character already be reloaded. Will cut down on time to get moving also doesn't put the newly spawned in player at a disadvantage when spawning on the flag in the middle of battle.

  2. #2
    WoR-Dev TrustyJam's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Thanks for the suggestion.

    The reason why we’ve opted to spawn you in unloaded when spawning on the flag bearer is because we’d think it unfair if you’re fighting a group of enemies up close that have a flag bearer. Another enemy then spawns in and shots you in your face. We think the disadvantage should stay with the spawned in player and not with the players already on the field.

    - Trusty

  3. #3

    USA Brigadier General

    Maximus Decimus Meridius's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    I agree it would also speed up the gameplay which would not really fit the game and time. It would also affect tickets since the digital live would be less worth in my mind.  02

  4. #4

    CSA Captain

    Saris's Avatar
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    I wouldnt be against being fully loaded and bayonets fixed at the initial spawn but anytime after that, keep as normal.
    Texas Poppin B
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by TrustyJam View Post
    Thanks for the suggestion.

    The reason why we’ve opted to spawn you in unloaded when spawning on the flag bearer is because we’d think it unfair if you’re fighting a group of enemies up close that have a flag bearer. Another enemy then spawns in and shots you in your face. We think the disadvantage should stay with the spawned in player and not with the players already on the field.

    - Trusty
    Ok I can understand when spawning on the flag bearer, but maybe spawning in at main spawn reloaded would work. In terms of spawning on the flag is there anyway to not put the player directly in front of usually a line of fire? Thanks for responding!

  6. #6

    USA Captain

    SwingKid148's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TRaider View Post
    Ok I can understand when spawning on the flag bearer, but maybe spawning in at main spawn reloaded would work. In terms of spawning on the flag is there anyway to not put the player directly in front of usually a line of fire? Thanks for responding!
    Train your color bearer to not stand so close to the line.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by SwingKid148 View Post
    Train your color bearer to not stand so close to the line.
    Thank you devil’s advocate! I always look forward to your pointless responses.

  8. #8

    USA Captain

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    Quote Originally Posted by TRaider View Post
    Thank you devil’s advocate! I always look forward to your pointless responses.

  9. #9
    Col. J Knight's Avatar
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    Aug 2020
    I personally believe that all individuals should spawn at Main spawn auto loaded. However flag bearer no. Like the Dev said it would give the charging team that worked hard to push the enemy back would literally just have to focus on Flag bearers to keep the field even which would then cause everyone to spawn at main. This personally would be a bad idea to have individuals spawn auto loaded at flag. Main, yes i believe would be beneficial because if an entire regiment orders main spawn to have a fully loaded team would be fair because of the time to move back into position would give opposing team to reload and regroup. So spawn loaded at main yes, flag no from me.
    Tidballs Battery 2nd US Regulars
    Colonel J. Knight
    US Union

  10. #10
    Sure makes sense to have a first spawn ready with a loaded weapon but wouldn't it also be more authentic to randomly have a few guys with multiple loads down the barrel ?

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