So, do any of the developers who have admin access ever still go in their servers and see what is going on? Right now trolls have completely taken over the public servers. Especially the guy Ralph is out of control at the moment, he is being incredibly racist, homophobic and even threatening to kill me and my family after i jokingly told him i got his IP, to see his reaction, because he is a "sniper of the US Department of Defense" or something (highly doubt this guy even has a job). While following him around in Spectator mode, he was bragging to a buddy of his, that he uses a program aka a hack to circumvent the temp bans. As i have seen him get banned, and he will be back in 5 minutes.

Footage of his death threat:

Here is footage of him with him using the nickname Peanut shooting friendly cannons to friendly artillery with a buddy of his: