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Thread: Suggestions for Artillery.

  1. #21
    Can you please - PLEASE - add the ability for the artillery officer to mark where crews should aim? Its no different than an infantry officer marking where to form a battle line - right now trying to tell crews where to aim is a giant pain in the tail.

  2. #22
    First of all I'm going to say, thanks for adding the shorter fuse times, that's awesome!

    Secondly, I've got some questions regarding case shot.
    Case shot is a shrapnel shot. Aka a shot with a fuse, gun powder and iron balls inside.
    French, Barry and Hunts 'Instruction for Field Artillery' recommends for shell to be exploded inside a unit and case 50 to 70 yards in front. (page 28)
    I assume the logical explanation is that, upon explosion, all the bits fly forward (in the direction the round was already going). And upon explosion they will spread, at 50 to 70 yards you get the perfect amount of spread. Also, when you have it explode in the center, a few people will absorb all the shrapnel, rather than it hitting lots of people.
    Now, I went out to try this on the artillery range and got some really nice shots exploding right before the target, but no registered hits on said target.

    So my questions are as follows:
    Does case work the way I described it in game?
    If it does, can the targets register the shrapnel of the case shot?

    If it can't MY SUGGESTION is as follows; please add this feature! It is essential to practicing with case shot!

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

  3. #23
    Can the Artillery get its own Swords. like the CSA only have Ramrods to defend themselves which is fine but the CSA had their own Swords.

  4. #24
    WoR-Dev Bradley's Avatar
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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander Lawton View Post
    Can the Artillery get its own Swords. like the CSA only have Ramrods to defend themselves which is fine but the CSA had their own Swords.
    You mean spongerammers.

    The vast majority of batteries, on both sides, did not wear swords.

  5. #25
    Artillery was prized and sized by Cavalry and Infantry thus Close Combat can happen anytime, anywhere. You can limber up as fast as you can, but Cavalry will reach the Cannons unless the attacking Cavalry was blocked by Infantry or Cavalry. Artillery on both sides were vulnerable to Cavalry, Infantry and Sharpshooters. unless the Artillery had a Unit of Engineers for protection. C.S.A Confederate Short Artillery Sword which Artillery Rankers and maybe NCOs except for Officer's since they have their own Swords.

  6. #26
    WoR-Dev Bradley's Avatar
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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander Lawton View Post
    Artillery was prized and sized by Cavalry and Infantry thus Close Combat can happen anytime, anywhere. You can limber up as fast as you can, but Cavalry will reach the Cannons unless the attacking Cavalry was blocked by Infantry or Cavalry. Artillery on both sides were vulnerable to Cavalry, Infantry and Sharpshooters. unless the Artillery had a Unit of Engineers for protection. C.S.A Confederate Short Artillery Sword which Artillery Rankers and maybe NCOs except for Officer's since they have their own Swords.
    Don't take my word for it. Here's what an artillerist had to say,

    When volunteer batteries came into service they, too, adopted the saber; but as campaigning progressed this weapon was cast aside by both volunteers and regulars, except only in instances when it was retained for the use of non-commissioned officers. A very little active field service proved it to be entirely useless as a weapon and so cumbersome as to interfere with the performance of duty required of artillery soldiers. It was so superfluous that the War Department made no attempt to improve it, either in weight or model. With such qualities it was soon abandoned, not, however, by any form or official order but by simple disappearance. On the march it soon found its way, with other trash of its kind, to the caissons or carriages of the pieces, where battered, broken, and rusty, it was carried along as trash until such time as it could be brought before a duly authorized inspector for formal condemnation to be dropped from the property returns of the battery; or, more frequently, it was eliminated from the returns by the remark, “lost in action”. -- John C. Tidball
    From yet another publication,

    The proposition made to arm the cannoneers with small -arms, such as revolvers, short rifles, &c., is calculated to do more harm than good. They should be taught to look upon their pieces as their proper arm of defense, to be abandoned only at the very last moment. The fate of many a battle has turned upon the delivery of a few rounds of grape or canister at short range upon an advancing column; and if they have the means, how natural for men to resort to them for personal safety in time of extreme danger, forgetting for the moment that the fate of the whole army, may be imperiled whilst they are defending themselves only. I Let the rifles, therefore, be given to the infantry, and the sabres and revolvers to the cavalry; guard the artillery with these arms, and teach them that their salvation is in sticking to their pieces. -- Gibbon's Artillerist's Manual
    Knap's Battery on the field of Antietam, not a sword in view:

    Last edited by Bradley; 03-17-2022 at 01:31 PM.

  7. #27
    Okay, I retract my Suggestion.

  8. #28
    Im not really sure if this has been brought up before but i think i would be pretty cool for Artillery members be able to see shot placements after game. There is already artillery impact shown for each side, why not just add a color coordinating for artillery men that shot a particular round? i would love to see how far or close i was after the game. For example if an artillery member places the wick and fires the cannon, the after game briefing would have, for instance red for CSA or blue for USA artillery impact on the game map, while the player that actually fired the cannon would be yellow coordinated with the players position on the map. other players would still show as red or blue but the player would have his or her own impact shown.

  9. #29

    a) Able to abort animation (as when loading a rifle)
    b) Able to load double cannister. (but with an risk)
    c) Explosion when hitting caisson.(with lid open)
    d) Unreliable ammunition if lid is open.
    e) enable ordinary infantry to move cannons (but not load/fire). they are now used as barriers and with the new animations that strategy must be countered.
    f) privates (nco) could get the binoculars.(?)

    g) in drill camp, please make it possible to store a unused ammo.

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