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Thread: Maps?

  1. #1
    Forrest_3's Avatar
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    Are there any plans for new maps? Like Pea Ridge or Shiloh. This same Antietam rotation at present has been around for 5 plus years.

  2. #2

    USA General of the Army

    A. P. Hill's Avatar
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    In Maryland State Near to both Antietam and Gettysburg, Harper's Ferry et al.
    That's because this game is all about Antietam ONLY.

  3. #3

    CSA Captain

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    Quote Originally Posted by A. P. Hill View Post
    That's because this game is all about Antietam ONLY.
    Then why is there Harpers Ferry and South Mountain included if the game is only about Antietam? The guy asked a legitimate question on why are we stuck on so few maps when there is four years of the civil war War of Rights can branch out into. The same used maps is the number one reason why this game is stale.
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  4. #4
    WoR-Dev Bradley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saris View Post
    Then why is there Harpers Ferry and South Mountain included if the game is only about Antietam?
    War of Rights is set during the Maryland Campaign of 1862. Harpers Ferry and South Mountain were precursors to the Battle of Sharpsburg and the engagement at Shepherdstown was the closing act.

  5. #5

    USA General of the Army

    A. P. Hill's Avatar
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    In Maryland State Near to both Antietam and Gettysburg, Harper's Ferry et al.
    Yes, I misspoke. It's the 1862 Maryland Campaign only.

  6. #6
    Forrest_3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A. P. Hill View Post
    That's because this game is all about Antietam ONLY.
    I thought the game was called "War of Rights". The best I recall from when history was actually taught in skrools, there were many other battle fields. JS.

  7. #7
    This game isn't made by some triple A studio. They intend on adding battles from later/earlier in the war at some date, but making several maps across the entire war and hundreds of regimental uniforms, flags, guns etc. is far to ambitious for their team. Thus, they stuck with just the Maryland campaign. Even then, development has been slow. Creating the battle of Shiloh or the battle of Pea Ridge would demand years of development from the dev team.

  8. #8

    CSA Captain

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neoba55 View Post
    They intend on adding battles from later/earlier in the war at some date
    No, they don't.
    ''I'm here to play an American Civil War era combat game, not Call of Duty with muskets.''.

  9. #9
    How hard would it be to develop a map of some of the more prominent Forts (i.e. Fort Pulaski, Fort Sumter, Fort Moultrie). Like in current game, it could start off with how it was originally held, then have the battle and move to the next day or week or year until the other side controlled it. There is plenty of information on them as well as most technical drawings. We already have artillery and infantry deployments. The biggest real add to the game would possibly be the actual cannons themselves as most were not wheeled. Mortars were also used in forts as well. Plus the battle for Pulaski and Fort McAllister, Most of it was artillery barrages with the end being infantry charges.

  10. #10

    USA Captain

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    You should check out the Field Report 47 announcement:

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