Welcome to Company B "Dixie Reds". We are a group of fun and professional players that want to bring the best possible experience. We are a British and American Company looking for dedicated players to fill our ranks and fight for the glorious South. We do 2 to 3 Drills per week and attend as many as 4 big events! We are very Disciplined and well trained Company. The Company is Led by Captain Jumbo!
Now its up to you to take up your Rifle and join our growing Company. We are definitely looking for more UK Volunteers to join us and kick them Yankees back to Washington!
If you wish to join us then join our Discord and we can vet you in!
Our Events
7PM EST - Regimental Drill
8PM EST - Public Line Battle
3PM EST (8PM BST) - United European Community Event
9PM EST - Brigade Drill
3PM EST (8PM BST) - United European Community Event
9PM EST - North and South Event
3PM EST (8PM BST) - Regimental Drill/ Recruitment Drive
Company Staff:
Captain. Jumbo
2ndLt. Spencer
1stSgt. JohnWilkes
Sgt. Gonzo
Cpl. Durty
Cpl. Fatbatman