About the Fifth Regulars
Founded in 2020 by longtime veterans of the community, the 5th United States Cavalry known also as the Fifth Regulars is largest and most active cavalry unit within War of Rights drawing its members from North America and all across Europe. The company prides itself on being heavily dedicated to recreating an immersive experience as to what the role of a cavalryman was like during the American Civil War. Maintaining historical authenticity is shown through the use of period correct manual "Poinsett's Cavalry Tactics" for drill and battle where company structure models itself after how a historical cavalry company would have been formed with certain numbers of Sergeants, Corporals, and lieutenants all with their respective duties and positions within its formations. We take pride in our ability to work as a cohesive unit and value the time and effort required to be proficient with the period drill. We value the thoughts and ideas of all members of our company and, minimum standards of courtesy and professionalism are required. If you have a love for history, cavalry, and work well in a team you will fit in well here.
History of the Fifth Regulars
"The Second Cavalry Regiment"
Between 1833 and 1846, Congress added three mounted regiments to the United States Army. The success of the First and Second United States Dragoons, along with the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen inspired the adoption of cavalry units. While the Dragoons could fight on foot or horseback and the Riflemen acted as mounted infantry, these new regiments would perform the more traditional roles of reconnaissance and lightning attacks. On March 3, 1855, the 2nd United States Cavalry was established. Among its officers were Albert Sidney Johnston, Robert E. Lee, George H. Thomas, William J. Hardee, and George Stoneman.
The regiment soon became a crack outfit with some of the best horsemen and Soldiers in the mounted service. Each company rode mounts of one color; a colorful sight during regimental dress parades. Company “A” rode grays; Company “B” and “E” rode sorrels; Company “C”, “D”, “F” and “I” had bays; Company “G” and “H” rode browns and Company “K” rode roans.
After their initial training at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis, the Second was posted to Texas. The companies patrolled from the Red River to the Rio Grande and into New Mexico and Indian Territories. For the next several years, the Second launched numerous expeditions against various American Indian tribes. In July 1857, John Bell Hood engaged a group of Lipans and Comanches near Devil’s River. Outnumbered, the future Confederate general inspired the men through his personal courage which helped turn the tide of the battle and forced the enemy to abandon the field. Earl Van Dorn, another officer who went on to wear the gray, also distinguished himself in engagements. Led by Van Dorn, four companies trapped and defeated a sizable force of Comanches on October 1 at the Battle of Rush Springs, and followed it up on May 13, 1859, with a similar victory at the Battle of Crooked Creek in Kansas. The 2nd and later 5th Cavalry fought in a total of thirteen Indian Campaigns.
As the United States dissolved into the Confederacy and Union in 1861, the regiment's second commanding officer 54-year-old Lieut. Colonel Robert E. Lee returned to the East and was offered the opportunity to take command of the Union Army, but he declined because of his wife’s illness. On 20 April 1861, Lee resigned from the US Army and accepted command of the Army of Virginia.
Arriving at their destination of Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, the 2nd Cavalry Regiment was rebuilt with new officers and recruits and, as was the 1st Cavalry Regiment, was assigned to the Union “Army of the Potomac” that was organized under General George McClellan. The regiment fought its first battle of the Civil War and it's last designated as the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, at the first Battle of Bull Run (1st Manassas) on 21 July 1861, at Bull Run a battalion was with the last organized troops who opposed the Confederates; it served as rear-guard to Centerville and bivouacked on the ground where it lay before the battle. By an act of Congress dated 3 August 1861 and a general order dated 10 August 1861, the 2nd United States Cavalry Regiment was redesignated as the 5th United States Cavalry Regiment.
"Life in the Fifth"
The cavalry received little encouragement in the early part of the war. It suffered from the well-known ignorance, in high places, of the fit management and proper use of the arm. The war was nearly half over when Mr. Lincoln asked General McClellan "what the horses did to fatigue anything," and about the same time the celebrated remark about "dead cavalrymen " was attributed to General Hooker, but never made. As a matter of fact, the Fifth Cavalry performed some of its best services in those days, when the arm was outnumbered and overworked. The brilliant dash at Fairfax, the capture of two companies of unbroken infantry by Harrison's troop at Hanover Court House, Custer at New Bridge, McIntosh at Sycamore Church, afforded a few of the examples of successful use of efficient cavalry in those early days. With battle records far exceeding that of the infantry, it was not called upon to suffer the terrible losses of foot troops in single engagements. The opportunities for mounted action were few. When dismounted, it was not its duty to fight desperately in attack or defense. But while the infantry had its season of rest the cavalry was constantly exposed and suffered a large percentage of loss in almost daily fighting and scouting. Many were captured as a matter of course, from the isolated nature of its duties, but capture meant neither defeat nor dishonor; it generally showed that the trooper had ventured and risked too much.
A regular regiment, during the war, was under many disadvantages. Its field officers, and many others, were commanding volunteers and serving on important duty elsewhere. The Fifth Cavalry, with the exception of a few months, was commanded by captains and lieutenants. The command of the regiment changed thirty-four times, and, curiously enough, it frequently served under men who had been in its ranks not very long before. It was often difficult to get one officer to a squadron. Casualties among general officers and those on detached service were slight, so that promotion was comparatively slow. In the matter of recruits, like the States, and many of the towns and counties offered large bounties, the volunteer regiments were more easily kept up to their standard. There were ladies aid societies, congressmen, and newspapers, always watching the home organizations, mindful of their comfort, caring for their wounded, and praising their deeds. The regulars were deprived of these advantages.
There was many a tough tussle of outposts and advance and rear guards, where the cost was not counted and the road unexplored. As Private Mulvaney would have stated in the case, the word was "hit first and frequent." The roster was greatly changed by the war. In place of the fire-eating Southerners and hard-riding Northerners of a few years before, we find that all the junior officers were now promotions from the ranks, the best of the sergeants and privates who had learned their trade so well in the good school of the border war. There were English, Irish, Germans, and Americans among them, and they were a brave, stiff-backed set, who got all the law and the prophets out of the blue book and the tactics. They kept up much of the old style and rigidity of discipline and formed an excellent model for the volunteer cavalry.
"A Hard Duty"
At the battle of Gaines' Mill on June 27, 1862, the regiment performed its most distinguished service. On that day, it will be remembered, the Confederate Army, reinforced by the corps of Stonewall Jackson from Northern Virginia, made four desperate attacks upon the Federal left under Fitz John Porter, who was occupying an open plateau, with temporary entrenchments, east of Powhite creek, his left protected by the marshes of the Chickahominy bottom. The sluggish creek flowed through deep banks, concealed by heavy timber; the high ground of the plateau was free of obstacles and suitable for cavalry over a strip varying from four hundred to one thousand yards in width; and in the breaks of the plateau, in the rear of the extreme left of our line, were massed the weak cavalry brigades of Philip St. George Cooke. In front of the cavalry, the batteries of the reserve artillery were stationed.
After seven o'clock in the afternoon, the sun had sunk below the horizon, the heavy smoke of battle was hanging thicker over the field, and the enemy's last attack had been made and won. Only the cavalry and a part of the artillery remained on this part of the field. A brigade of Texans, broken by their long advance, under the lead of the hardest fighter in all the Southern armies, came running on with wild yells, and they were a hundred yards from the guns. It was then that the cavalry commander ordered Captain Charles J. Whiting, with his regiment, to the charge. With sabers drawn, the 5th Cavalry moved forward with a wild cheer. Soon enveloped by dust and smoke, the five companies (A, D, F, H & I), forming a small battalion, veered to the left and right to avoid the guns. They charged 275 yards across the open plateau, where the Confederates met them with heavy gunfire. Musket fire emptied many Union saddles, and the charge degenerated into a stampede in reverse when the troopers reached the edge of the woods bordering Boatswain’s Creek. Many horses went out of control, and their backward rush carried them into the reserve artillery line.
No one had blundered; it was the supreme moment for cavalry, the opportunity that comes so seldom on the modern field of war, the test of discipline, hardihood, and nerve. Right well was the task performed. The two hundred and twenty troopers of the Fifth Cavalry struck Longstreet's veterans square in the face. Whiting, his horse killed under him, fell stunned, at the feet of the Fourth Texas Infantry. Chambliss was torn almost to pieces with six wounds. Sweet was killed. Only one of the other officers was unwounded. In all, the loss in killed, wounded, and missing, was fifty-eight, and twenty-four horses were known to, have been killed. Unsupported and almost without officers, the troopers were stopped by the woods of the creek bottom, returned, reformed, and were soon after opposed to the enemy in covering the retreat of the Federal Army. Two days later the same troops were engaged at Savage Station. The guns which were in a condition to retire were saved. The facts of that charge speak for themselves. No action was ever more worthy of a poet's genius; no cavalry charge was ever ridden better or against more hopeless odds of numbers.
This battle gave a strange instance of the fortune of war. Hood had served as a lieutenant under Whiting in the regiment before the war. Now, at the head of a Confederate brigade, he received the charge of his former comrades. After the fight, finding Chambliss so desperately wounded on the field, he saw that his old friend had every care and attention. Such encounters were frequent. Fitzhugh Lee's own regiment of Virginia cavalry overwhelmed Royall's outpost at Old Church, captured part of his old troop, and wounded a couple of officers. The Rebellion records show that Confederate commanders took some pride in reporting to the Commander-in-Chief that they had encountered his old regiment.
Although the regimental historian later noted that the “regiment performed its most distinguished service” in the charge, Porter and Cooke carried on an extended dispute over the 5th’s effectiveness in the battle. In charging that the cavalry action was unsuccessful, Porter sought an excuse for the events of the day that resulted in the defeat of his V Corps. For his part, Cooke solicited the testimony of many cavalry colleagues to argue that the charge had actually saved the entire V Corps from destruction. Historians have generally sided with Cooke.
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Troopers of the Real Fifth Cavalry
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Gallant Fifth Steam Group
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About Tidball's Battery
Horse Battery A of the 2nd United States Artillery Regiment colloquially known as Tidball's Battery is the Fifth Regulars' dedicated artillery support unit. This unit of cannoneers is a well-disciplined and well-trained fighting machine utilizing both smoothbore and rifled cannons to deliver swift and effective fire support to the battlefield. The 2nd United States Artillery works in tandem with its parent unit the 5th United States Cavalry by attending the same events and working in unison to secure victory against the enemy.
History of Tidball's Battery
"Forming a Battery"
The Second Artillery was, with the First, Third, and Fourth, organized by an Act of Congress dated March 21st, 1821. Each regiment was to have nine batteries with one battery designated and equipped as light artillery. Battery A was formed from the remnants of the second battalion of the Northern Division of the old Artillery Corps. The battery was placed under the command of Captain Alexander Fanning and was stationed on post at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York.
The entire regiment was transferred to the South, exchanging stations with the First Regiment of Artillery. During the fall of 1833, Battery A was sent to Alabama and served under Colonel David E. Twiggs during the removal of the Creek nation of Native Americans out of the state. In 1836, Battery A participated in the Florida Seminole War, being stationed in Tampa. On February 27, the battery was engaged during the fighting at Withlacoochee. General Winfield Scott took command of the U.S. Army forces in the area, and assigned Battery A to Colonel William Lindsay’s column, at Fort Brooke. Battery A participated in the removal of the Cherokee nation from Alabama and Tennessee in 1838, as it was being reassigned to posting along the Great Lakes, also referred to as the “Niagara frontier”.
In 1839 Secretary of War Joel Robert Poinsett ordered the establishment of a camp of instruction at Trenton, New Jersey; one battery of each artillery regiment to be sent there and equipped as a battery of light artillery. Of the Second, Battery A was selected and went there under command of Lieutenant James Duncan, who would earn its fame during the war with Mexico. Three months later it returned to Buffalo as a light battery.
"Light Artillery Duty in Mexico"
Battery A, now a light battery under the command of now Captain James Duncan, left New York Harbor in August of 1845, arriving in September at Corpus Christi to join General Zachary Taylor’s army. The battery was engaged at Palo Alto on May 8th and Resaca de la Palma on May 9th of 1846, Captain Duncan by his brilliance did much towards winning the battles and the battery and himself were specially mentioned by General Taylor. Later that fall, batteries A, C, G and K formed part of Worth's Division and played an important part during the Battle of Monterrey.
In March of 1847, the whole regiment, except Battery E was assembled before Vera Cruz. On the organization of the Army of Invasion, the regiment was assigned to Worth's Regular Division. The reduction of Vera Cruz was largely the work of the artillery. The battery took part in all the battles of the campaign, figuring most prominently and suffering the heaviest losses at Churubusco, Molino del Rey, and Mexico City. At Molino Del Rey, all the lieutenants of the battery (H. J. Hunt, Win. Hays, and H. F. Clarke) were wounded. At Chapultepec, it became necessary to advance a piece of artillery along the causeway, which was swept by the enemy's fire, against a breast-work. Battery A was ordered to execute this duty. Advancing at full speed for 150 yards, with a loss of more than half of its men, the battery accomplished its object and engaged the enemy muzzle to muzzle. In his official report, Major General William J. Worth noted the battery saying “It has never been my fortune to witness a more brilliant exhibition of courage and conduct.’ Throughout the campaign, Duncan's Battery A was splendidly handled and made a brilliant record."
"Flying Artillery"
At the outbreak of the war as was typical for the regular army, many batteries of the Second Artillery were assigned to one of the many frontier posts, Battery A was posted in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas when word reached of secession. Quickly making it's way back to the east, Battery A was the first to reach Washington, arriving in January, 1861. It formed a part of the expedition for the relief of Fort Pickens in April but returned in time to take part in the First Battle of Bull Run. In September of that year it was made into a horse battery, the first in the countries history and was equipped with three sections each of two 3” Ordnance Rifles.
During the Peninsula Campaign in the spring of 1862, it was in pursuit with Stoneman's cavalry after the evacuation of Yorktown and was heavily engaged at Williamsburg. Soon after Battery A alongside Batteries B, L, and M of the Second Regiment and C of the Third were grouped together forming the famous Horse Artillery Brigade. Among the most prominent units in the U.S. Horse Artillery Brigade was Battery A, serving under the command of Captain John Caldwell Tidball, of Virginia.
In early July of 1862, while at Harrison's Landing a corporal in Battery A was killed, and Captain Tidball wished to bury him with full military honors however, permission to fire the customary 21 shot salute over the grave being refused out of fear the enemy would think they were attacking. It occurred to Captain Tidball to have "taps" sounded instead and, the idea was taken up by others, until in a short time it was adopted by the entire army. As Tidball proudly proclaimed, "Battery A has the honor of having introduced this custom into the service, and it is worthy of historical note."
In the Maryland Campaign, Horse Battery A alongside the rest of the Horse Artillery Brigade was reassigned to the Cavalry Division under Brigadier General Alfred Pleasonton. From September 7th to 15th the battery was engaged in numerous skirmishes in support of union cavalry and on the morning of the 17th moved from its bivouac near Keedysville and crossed the Antietam by the Middle Bridge. Preceded and supported by cavalry, the battery went into position and engaged in counter-battery fire until it ran out of ammunition around noon. The battery once resupplied proceeded to advance one again and took positions on the flank of Richardson's Division from the II Corps west of the Hagerstown Pike and north of Piper's Lane. Battery A withdrew from the battlefield at dusk and recrossed the Antietam. On the 19th the battery found itself once again engaged this time along the Sheperdstown Ford.
Event Schedule
Thursday | Company Drills: |
8:00pm GMT |
School of the Platoon, Dismounted |
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8:00pm EST |
School of the Platoon, Dismounted |
Friday | Battle Events: |
8:00pm GMT |
United European Community |
Saturday | Battle Events: |
8:00pm GMT |
United European Community |
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8:00pm EST |
House Divided Campaign |
Sunday | Battle Events: |
7:00pm GMT |
Historic Rules Event
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8:00pm EST |
Hardtack and Gunpowder |