Hey gentlemen,

I have a suggestion or maybe it is just a simple question. What I would like to see, is the game to come back to the rifle/musket loadouts of the respective units, the way we had it before we could choose the weapon we would like to get.

What I mean is, and this is basically true for CSA units (as they in deed had a variety of weapons at hand) if there has been a somwhat percentage of say Enfields, Springfiel 42s, 55s for instance for companies who had them in their repertoire. What I felt (but I maybe wrong here) is that at the time we randomly spawned with the weapon the game would choose for us, there was a better mix of the weapons back than. What I mean is: Has there been something that said (let's take the 56th VA here for an example)
10% Enfields
65% Springfield's 55
25% Springfield's 42 ??

If it was that way, then I would like to come back to this pattern. While we would still be able to pick the weapon we would like to get, the game would only allow for say 10% of the players of the given company may choose Enfields and then the Enfield would not be pickable (unless more players would join the company, but than it would still only supply 10% of them to pick the Enfield)

So my question/suggestion is 1. has there been such distribution of rifles/muskets in the game prior to the update, where we got to pick our weapons and 2. if you guys see a way or already want to implement something like that in the future.

I came up with this idea as I do recently see more and more players picking the Enfield on CSA side, although the CSA was not that well equipped with these. And also units picking only the buck and ball pipes on certain maps were they really come in handy. I feel we should get back to more diverse loadout mainly on the CSA side, while most Union companies deservedly are equipped kinda quite uniform with enfields for the whole company with only some exceptions.

Yeah sorry for maybe some wild structure and english, but well my suggestion to you gentlemen

P.S. I am so much looking forward to the next update, you did some nice work there, what maybe get us some good ol' community members back to War of Rights. Thank you for that!
