Ingame/Forum Name:Anthony Robertson
Steam Gamer Tag (if applicable): Anthony Last God
Ingame/Forum Name:Anthony Robertson
Steam Gamer Tag (if applicable): Anthony Last God
Roster updated, welcome to Anthony Robertson and Szotu.
Game night event posted in the steam group along with other information, check it out!
Also, there is a new TS server address, make sure to modify your favorites.
Last edited by LTC Philip A. Work; 11-21-2015 at 07:31 PM.
Texans Always Move Them
CSA Lieutenant Colonel
Ingame/Forum Name: MilitantMonkey
Timezone: CST
Nationality: Texan, Southern, American
Steam Gamer Tag: [1stTX(Co.F)]MilitantMonkey
We have merged with the 1st Texas Infantry Regiment from NaS!
You all have been sent invites to the new Steam group for the consolidation, sorry for the confusion, but it's best that we make the change now rather than we are established.
First line event for NaS will take place Friday at 8pm CST then again on Saturday at 4pm CST.
Last edited by LTC Philip A. Work; 11-22-2015 at 10:37 PM.
Texans Always Move Them
Game night tonight 7pm CST. Jump on TS.
Texans Always Move Them
Reporting for Duty
Added several new players.
We now have a dedicated NaS mod server for training and events.
Added our newest members
Added new members and affiliate companies.
1st TX liampb1998
Southern Wind
A reminder that we are still actively recruiting new members.
We have 10-15 members that routenely join us for North and South mod game nights.
Starting next month we will begin training on historical drill in anticipation of the War of Rights beta in the coming year.
Last edited by Bravescot; 12-11-2015 at 07:45 PM.
Texans Always Move Them
Please do not double, triple or quad post.
Edit your last post to add the new info. otherwise it makes unneeded noise.
CSA Captain
Ingame/Forum Name: Deven
Timezone: Eastern
Steam Gamer Tag (if applicable): Deven
Only interested in WoR
Last edited by Deven; 12-17-2015 at 09:11 PM.
Deo Vindice
Ingame/Forum Name: RASEN1914
Timezone: GMT +1 (Spain)
Nationality: Spanish
Age: 24
Steam Gamer Tag (if applicable): RASEN