It's hard to top this after such a detailed post, so I won't even try, but save the energy for the 10th anniversary.
It was a very "interesting" year for us, as it probably was for many. After our player numbers were record high in the winter months, regularly around 35-40 players, they unfortunately returned to normal at ~25 players after the end of the lockdown. We are glad that all our members are well.
In the spring, unfortunately, a until then important member of the company went on his way to the south. 2nd Lieutenant Fritz left us for Virginia. His place was taken by Sergeant O'Keefe, who was immediately convincing. All in all, the NCO corps was properly increased, as the numbers in the lockdown had made quite an impression. For a while, the idea of opening a second company was toyed with, but with the end of the lockdown and the subsequent lower player numbers, this goal was postponed for the time being, but not cancelled.
some goals were also achieved this year:
with the "Column by Platoons", the unit now masters almost the entire "School of the Company" from "Casey's Infantry Tactics". All relevant commands have been learned and sit sufficiently firmly to excel.
The skirmisher drill has been expanded and further learned according to Casey's. Here, it still needs to be practised more often. We still have to practise more often, but all commands are known as far as they go.
As artillery, we often worked as a battery and this allowed the artillerymen to show and teach the infantrymen their working environment.
Since the summer, we have also sporadically started the dismounted cavalry drill according to "Poinsetts". We also hope to be able to mount the horse soon.
The bottom line is that the unit is developing splendidly, even though our "Lady Liberty" is slowly becoming an old lady and we are one of the oldest units in the community, we are still fresh and dynamic.
We look forward to the future and wait to see what it has in store for us.