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Thread: 4th Rhode Island Infantry Company A

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    4th Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry Regiment

    4th Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry Regiment

    Forum Art.jpg


    Rhode_Island_Insignia.jpgWe are a disciplined, well-trained and organized EU and NA based unit for War of Rights. Our Officers and NCOs are skilled and experienced, having served in multiple regiments in different games in the past. The 4th Rhode Island will always be ready to work together with other units on the battlefield to ensure victory, or go down trying. We are EU and NA based, and anyone who can attend our trainings and events is welcome to join the 4th Rhode Island Infantry Regiment (the schedule is listed below

    We train to grow as individuals, improve as a company and strengthen as a unit. But we will always work together to keep the game fun and interesting for everyone involved. This comes with maintaining a good atmosphere and, of course, some good old-fashioned banter. We will always underline the value of freedom and ability to believe, think and say what you want, but we will NOT condone bullying of any kind. Our unit is a mix of different nationalities, individuals and beliefs and we want every single one to enjoy their time with the 4th Rhode Island Infantry Regiment.



    The 4th Rhode island Infantry was organized in Providence in 1861 (on October 30th), and served until 1864 when the old members were mustered out (on October 15th) and the Veterans and Recruits were consolidated with the 7th Rhode Island Infantry.
    4th Rhode Island was attached to the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Army Corps (1861-1863) and 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Army Corps (1863-1864) of the Army of the Potomac.

    During the war, the regiment lost 5 officers and 68 Enlisted men killed or mortally wounded, and 67 Enlisted men by disease (total of 140 men).

    2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, IX Corps

    4th Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry Regiment Schedule is listed below.

    EU Schedule:
    Friday - 20:00 GMT | 21:00 CET | 4 pm EDT [EVENT]
    Saturday - 20:30 GMT | 21:30 CET |
    4:30 pm EDT [CAMPAIGN EVENT]
    Sunday - 20:00 GMT | 21:00 CET |
    4 pm EDT [EVENT]

    NA Schedule:
    Work in progress...


    1. Add our Officers on Steam*
    *by clicking on the images below

    Major Anti (Battalion CO)

    Captain Mack (Company B CO)

    2. Join our Discord Server*
    *by clicking on the Discord icon/logo below
    Last edited by Anti; 04-03-2021 at 04:33 PM.

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