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Thread: I Saw a Stream of Alpha and I Thought WOW!

  1. #1

    CSA Captain

    Prinz's Avatar
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    Mar 2016

    I Saw a Stream of Alpha and I Thought WOW!

    I was blown away by the game and the attention to detail for a technical alpha. I know that it is just that and I'm actually not critisizing the game at this point. I just wanted to strongly request and suggest to the game devs to please focus on optimization! Please! I feel pretty safe in saying that yall might lose a decent amount if as the time goes on your game does not become optimized to the point where I dont even notice im playing a video game.

    People will complain and say, "How can you talk about optimimization at this early stage you idiot?!" Again, I'm not saying that technical alpha is bad, thats like expecting a baby to do calculus. No, I just really want this game to reach its full potential and I can say for sure this game will remain an un-played one in the future if down the road it remains un-optimized. I readily point to the MAIN EXAMPLE: Squad. Although it has gotten better over time, it still is very hard to run with a even a computer that can handle War Thunder on High and other bigger games on medium. Having played since Alpha to the stage it's at now with hundreds of active players and groups, it still struggles to support players with computers that just can't do it.

    So please, our favorite devs just for taking on this task of making this game, on behalf of your fan base and players, please work hard to make this the best and most revolutionary experience for gamers since pong, space invaders, and mario.

    [1BVA] Cpl. Asst. Chapl. Chris B.
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  2. #2

    USA Lieutenant Colonel

    Joshua Chamberlain's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2016
    I was in alpha pretty fun

  3. #3
    David Dire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    By the way, optimization is amazing. On medium graphics with 1280x720 my old GT 635 can manage 25-ish frames and it still look pretty good. It's not half bad on high either. I'd say anybody worried about their specs would need a pretty bad graphics card, cpu, and generally a very old, non-gaming rig.

  4. #4

    CSA Lieutenant Colonel

    Rithal's Avatar
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    Nashville, Tennessee
    I wouldn't say the optimization is amazing. I just built a new PC and it only gets 30 frames on Insane, however that is as of now. Things will definitely get better as time goes on. You can count on the developers for that.
    "The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on Earth." - Lieutenant General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

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  5. #5

    USA Lieutenant Colonel

    R21's Avatar
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    Jul 2015
    Still sounds way better than Miscreated, that Game after release and for a good while after would run terribly on even half decent Gaming Machines (like sub 30 fps).

    On my i5 4670k, GTX 770, 8GB DDR3 1600mhz rig i'd be lucky if the framerate stayed above 25 fps on medium settings.

    By the sounds of things, even for a 'technical Alpha' they've done a good job on it.

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