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Thread: Harper's Ferry Thoughts, Suggestions, and Prayers

  1. #21

    CSA Brigadier General

    Sir_Squiggles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leifr View Post
    Beautiful map but it needs some adjustment.
    LaBelle’s are ideal, especially with the forward spawn point near to the pontoon bridge. Perhaps adjusting for a dawn raid would be ideal to reflect this?

    Oh, and please do keep it on topic folks. Fancy may have slipped up a little with his choice of words but there was surely no malice or miscontent there.
    I do agree Leifer. Sorry to stray from topic only wanted to poke at trusty . The ideas are solid though yes! Artillery will bring a whole new meta to the battlefield wether that be (player based) or randomized.
    "May we find a fruitful path in our endeavours, and show strength to our enemy's as we gallantly charge to meet them on the field of battle!"-
    Captain of the 11th MS Company F "Noxubee Rifles"

  2. #22

    USA General of the Army

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    Also, as usually happens with new maps, the first weekend sees a large amount of attrition due to crashing. I expect, again as usual, next weekend will see more stability.

    Cobb's Cav did a lot of scouting and testing standard stuff such as cover, concealment and boundaries and I would suggest ...
    - The boats appear to be a great place to crouch, fire then advance but it is not an option, sadly.
    - The train trestle structure allows advancement through the water to the second abutment for some sniping but ...
    Sniping with an 1842 is ... weak ... just weak.
    Once out there you WILL drown on the return trip ... there is no way to return to your lines once out there.
    Plus side ... appears soldiers on the trestle ABOVE count toward your being IN Formation if you are below the bridge.

    Trusty's comment, while understandably irksome, does not bother me anywhere near as much as the one I heard constantly when playing Union ...
    "This map is the Confederate Burnside's Bridge". Just points to the fact that both maps are very skewed.

    But ...
    The two things we all need to remember are ...
    - Alpha is for the Devs to test new ideas and this is not final stuff set in stone. Have fun and Test like hell!
    - I am glad to see there are multiple spawn points and while it scattered units who then had to waste time regrouping, the goal is to test multiple spawn points and when we get to choose our spawn points on the big maps this will not be an issue. Go Flag Bearers!

    Weather, Day/Night and graphics? Looking fancy and sweet. heh

    Lastly ...
    IF we are going to be relegated to the use of the 1842 Club might I suggest a bit of cover so we can actually get into range to use it effectively?
    Please note that I said "effectively" because it CAN be lethal in the hands of some of our Boys but, as a whole, there was a lot of Buck and Ball related TKing last night.
    Last edited by John Cooley; 03-26-2018 at 08:09 AM. Reason: Early Morning Sleepy Typos
    My Great Great Grandfather, Isaac MacDonal Cooley, served as a Pathfinder Cavalry Scout
    in the 1st Arkansas Cavalry Regiment (Dobbin's) Company K
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  3. #23

    USA Captain

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    I am all in Again with Trusty ... Its Alpha testing. Lots of people dont understand the consept of that.
    Yesterday (Sunday) people left the server and went on to another, as it continued to play Harpers Ferry. We are there to test !
    Another thing is players complain about its uneven or unfair, sure nothing is fair, thats war ... We have run over the Burnside bridge for months, no one complained as its the historical way.
    There has to be challenges for the Companies and thier officers, they sure need them to learn. The skill's of most officers are terrible at present time...

    Its a beautyfull map very well done. Thumbs up 6 stars !

  4. #24

    CSA Major

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    Quote Originally Posted by John Cooley View Post
    Also, as usually happens with new maps, the first weekend sees a large amount of attrition due to crashing. I expect, again as usual, next weekend will see more stability.

    Cobb's Cav did a lot of scouting and testing standard stuff such as cover, concealment and boundaries and I would suggest ...
    - The boats appear to be a great place to crouch, fire then advance but it is not an option, sadly.
    - The train trestle structure allows advancement through the water to the second abutment for some sniping but ...
    Sniping with an 1842 is ... weak ... just weak.
    Once out there you WILL drown on the return trip ... there is no way to return to your lines once out there.
    Plus side ... appears soldiers on the trestle ABOVE count toward your being IN Formation if you are below the bridge.
    I did wonder about the boats, I assume it is not possible to climb back out of them? I noticed several folks using them as floating rifle-pits but declined to join them on fear of being stuck until death.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Cooley View Post

    - I am glad to see there are multiple spawn points and while it scattered units who then had to waste time regrouping, the goal is to test multiple spawn points and when we get to choose our spawn points on the big maps this will not be an issue. Go Flag Bearers!
    Yes! It is going to be excellent when we are able to select spawn points, it will certainly aid unit organisation and flexibility between several groups at a time. Currently one must waste time in assembling after spawning, this is an issue on maps such as Burnside's and Harper's Ferry.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Cooley View Post
    Lastly ...
    IF we are going to be relegated to the use of the 1842 Club might I suggest a bit of cover so we can actually get into range to use it effectively?
    Please note that I said "effectively" because it CAN be lethal in the hands of some of our Boys but, as a whole, there was a lot of Buck and Ball related TKing last night.
    Perhaps some abandoned 'street furniture' would suffice for the time being? One of the design aspects I enjoy the most in WoR is the logical placement of objects; battlefields tend to feel natural and a good representation of the real location. I am somewhat loathed to suggest that we require something as banal as a train carriage, or a forlorn cart, left in some unnatural position along the railroad, but something is required to help at least a greater proportion of the Confederate players to cross the river.

    - Adjust one CSA spawn position to the pontoon bridge crossing, representing an early push.
    - Alternatively, adjust to the position that A.P Hill held along the Winchester & Potomac railroad, bring CSA in from the south-west of the map. I am unaware of specific unit equipment but there must be a regiment available who used the rifled Springfield 1842.
    - Implement additional cover for the CSA along the railroad crossing.
    - And if this occurs, I think it would be ideal to also gift the Union some additional cover on the streets of Harper's Ferry.
    - A greater disparity in ticket ratio for attacking / defending.
    - Shift the time of the day to breaking of dawn.

    I also think it is a shame that artillery is not yet implemented. It would be the ideal counter to many of these issues, particularly exposed Federal units waiting at the end of the bridge. Keep your thoughts and recommendations coming folks!

  5. #25
    Hinkel's Avatar
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    I do understand the 1842 rifle problem for the confederates. We might add a new skirmish/sharpshooter unit (equipped with Enfields for example) for that skirmish scenario, which should also help the confederates a bit
    Last edited by Hinkel; 03-26-2018 at 09:45 AM.

  6. #26

    CSA Major General

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    Quote Originally Posted by TrustyJam View Post
    You have some interesting suggestions. We don’t want to take the fighting further into town (we have other skirmish areas for that). We’ved talked about focusing the bridgehead areas with artillery to simulate a barrage. This would make the Union situation dire as it would have been in real life. Another idea is to have a portion of Confederates spawn down potomac street (along the walls of the armory and its canal) to put some flanking pressure on the bridgehead point. Us moving into alternative scenarios do give us more freedom than ever in terms of balance design as you rightly point out so expect to see changes pretty rapidly.

    - Trusty
    Some damage in town would be great, some makeshift barricades (like you see in old movies).
    Also I played Union, when CSA did succesfully push and got a foothold it was harder for the USA to get it back (even if the spawn is pretty close) .. the street fighting was great
    Well the 'town' looks great and it's a bit sad it doesn't see much action atm
    The more then one spawn idea is a great feature, keep up the work !
    I write for my personal account and from personal experience, unless stated otherwise.

  7. #27
    WoR-Dev TrustyJam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redleader View Post
    Some damage in town would be great, some makeshift barricades (like you see in old movies).
    Also I played Union, when CSA did succesfully push and got a foothold it was harder for the USA to get it back (even if the spawn is pretty close) .. the street fighting was great
    Well the 'town' looks great and it's a bit sad it doesn't see much action atm
    The more then one spawn idea is a great feature, keep up the work !
    Don't worry, you'll be seeing plenty of town action - we have quite a number of interesting skirmish areas already close to completion.

    - Trusty

  8. #28

    USA General of the Army

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    Quote Originally Posted by Leifr View Post
    Perhaps some abandoned 'street furniture' would suffice for the time being?
    LMAO You made my day!
    We will always complain about the 1842 but I imagine the real Rebel soldiers did much the same so ...
    I guess we are being BOTH Historical and Hysterical, at the same time.
    My Great Great Grandfather, Isaac MacDonal Cooley, served as a Pathfinder Cavalry Scout
    in the 1st Arkansas Cavalry Regiment (Dobbin's) Company K
    My Avatar flies his Unit Guidon to Honor his Service.
    My Credo is a simple one ... Unit before Self with Honor above ALL else.

  9. #29

    CSA Major

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    Quote Originally Posted by John Cooley View Post
    LMAO You made my day!
    We will always complain about the 1842 but I imagine the real Rebel soldiers did much the same so ...
    I guess we are being BOTH Historical and Hysterical, at the same time.
    The 1842 is a shared misery every Confederate player must endure. I imagine that the same affliction was felt some 150 years ago too.
    Still, we must continue onward and trust in Providence that some unruly mob or panicked civilian has left some suitable piece of parlour furniture discarded upon the approach.

  10. #30

    CSA Brigadier General

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRegulator View Post
    I am all in Again with Trusty ... Its Alpha testing. Lots of people dont understand the consept of that.
    Yesterday (Sunday) people left the server and went on to another, as it continued to play Harpers Ferry. We are there to test !
    Another thing is players complain about its uneven or unfair, sure nothing is fair, thats war ... We have run over the Burnside bridge for months, no one complained as its the historical way.
    There has to be challenges for the Companies and thier officers, they sure need them to learn. The skill's of most officers are terrible at present time...

    Its a beautyfull map very well done. Thumbs up 6 stars !
    That was agreed by with both sides being 2nd corps and the 5th NY which once switching the event ceased due to not being able to log back into servers. Burnsides bridge has no concerns here you are able to shoot across and make it across to each side with cover. There are many strategies I've already been putting into hypothetical practicing as to how to combat Harper's ferry, because if we can beat it we will try. Other than making ourselves as small of a target we can their isn't much more we can do it's pretty straight forward from that point when you go onto the bridge.
    Last edited by Sir_Squiggles; 03-26-2018 at 01:51 PM.
    "May we find a fruitful path in our endeavours, and show strength to our enemy's as we gallantly charge to meet them on the field of battle!"-
    Captain of the 11th MS Company F "Noxubee Rifles"

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