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Thread: Wish list for Company Tool

  1. #321

    USA General of the Army

    A. P. Hill's Avatar
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    In Maryland State Near to both Antietam and Gettysburg, Harper's Ferry et al.
    Go to your avatar recruitment papers, you can modify / change there. (My understanding.)

  2. #322

    USA Major

    Shiloh's Avatar
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    Shepherdstown, WV
    Quote Originally Posted by A. P. Hill View Post
    Go to your avatar recruitment papers, you can modify / change there. (My understanding.)
    Not that I'm seeing in there. I just notified a dev and I'll wait and see what they say.

    *edit: Confirmed by a dev that it can't be changed for the same reason we can't change out forum name.
    Last edited by Shiloh; 07-19-2018 at 06:37 PM.

  3. #323

    USA Major

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    This may be on here but I'm not going through 33 pages of stuff.

    Have the ability to create a custom character - hair style, hair color, face shape, whiskers type, whiskers color, complexion color, etc. Whatever you have selected on company tool you will always spawn in-game with those features.

    Wouldn't it be great to be able to identify guys in your company by what they look like rather than hitting a button so you can see white names over their heads? Don't know if this is possible but anything that gets words, etc. off my screen the better the immersion.

  4. #324

    USA Captain

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    Mar 2018
    Am I the only one who wishes for some option to "allign" with a certain Company without actively joining 'em?
    Like a "Volunteer Option". That is - I do have a company or two I enjoy hanging around with, but due my duties in another gaming organization, I won't have time to join a company.
    Ingame Nick: [KRT.2ndAuriga]Cpt.Data
    I'm not part of any Company: KRT is a clan playing Star Citizen and 2ndAuriga means I'm member of the 2nd wing of the Auriga Squadron.

  5. #325

    USA Captain

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    Quote Originally Posted by CptData View Post
    Am I the only one who wishes for some option to "allign" with a certain Company without actively joining 'em?
    Like a "Volunteer Option". That is - I do have a company or two I enjoy hanging around with, but due my duties in another gaming organization, I won't have time to join a company.
    We all have lives outside of War of Rights. Some organizations are more laid back than others. In the 9th NY, we do not have an attendance requirements outside of attending one full drill session to become a Private.

  6. #326
    Our group's wishlist (pardon any ignorance, based off initial observations):

    - More Ranks

    - Raise the 100 member cap (our gaming community has over 300 members, and we'd rather not split into different groups if we all pick up this new obsession)

    - (an and/or to the above) Add the ability for inter-company options/controls

    - Controls/Options based on job (such as Adjutant able to Enlist Volunteers), instead of just restricting all access to the Captain rank
    Yours Truly,
    - Korvyr Vorthrel, Captain, CSA
    - Commander, Co. A, 14th Virginia

  7. #327

    USA Sergeant

    Luke192's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korvyr View Post
    Our group's wishlist (pardon any ignorance, based off initial observations):

    - More Ranks

    - Raise the 100 member cap (our gaming community has over 300 members, and we'd rather not split into different groups if we all pick up this new obsession)

    - (an and/or to the above) Add the ability for inter-company options/controls

    - Controls/Options based on job (such as Adjutant able to Enlist Volunteers), instead of just restricting all access to the Captain rank
    I can agree with pretty much everything here. Its quite hard to manage between 2 companies if they can't be connected into one area and be under one command staff. We have people overflowing into our B company but only have enough CO's to manage A company properly. We need to be able to connect A and B together and mange them both in one area. That and the raised player amounts would be great unless there is a reason for that

  8. #328
    I think creating a battalion or similar in this stage of the game would be helpful to the clans / organisations.
    Sections in the platoons. More roles like Scout / sharpshooter would be a nice addition
    Richmond Howitzers, 3rd Company

  9. #329

    USA Lieutenant General

    Kyle422's Avatar
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    Gettysburg, PA
    I would love to see the 95th Pennsylvania Gosline Zouaves added to the company tool. They were part of the Maryland campaign

  10. #330
    PikeStance's Avatar
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    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Luke192 View Post
    I can agree with pretty much everything here. Its quite hard to manage between 2 companies if they can't be connected into one area and be under one command staff. We have people overflowing into our B company but only have enough CO's to manage A company properly. We need to be able to connect A and B together and mange them both in one area. That and the raised player amounts would be great unless there is a reason for that
    Maybe a better option would be to create a website (a free one) with an attached forum and organized there. When I flew with a group in Rise of Flight, we had our own site and coordinated everything there.
    <--PikeStance -----
    New Orleans Native, Living in Shanghai!

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