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Thread: Stuck at "Loading map"

  1. #1

    Unhappy Stuck at "Loading map"

    Hello, i'm a new player to war of rights since i recently got my key with phase 2;
    i started playing 2 days a ago and i am facing a big problem wich is blocking me from experiencing the full potential of this beautifull game:

    During the morning when there are about 10 to 15 players i'm able to join servers with no big problem, 1 min or so of loading and i'm in, but,
    when servers starts to get populated with about 50+ players , i'm simply unable to join any of them, with my game stuck at the "loading map " screen with the game still giving sign of life with sounds and the little dots moving.

    I tried to have the patience of waiting 15 minutes (timed with my cellphone) but without any luck.
    Also , i tried to even put the settings to the lowest just for good measure but nothing seems to work.

    I thank everyone in advance that is going help me adress this issue

  2. #2

    USA General of the Army

    A. P. Hill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    In Maryland State Near to both Antietam and Gettysburg, Harper's Ferry et al.
    As complete a list as possible of your system specs will be needed to even guess at your issue, but just from the symptoms you've posted I'm going with a seriously dated rig.

  3. #3
    Dated rig? No.
    Average? definetly but here's the specs:

    Intel Core i5 4670k 3.4GHz
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 4GB
    8GB of memory

    This is the only game that has given me a problem like this

  4. #4
    WoR-Dev TrustyJam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Please list your internet connection speed.

    - Trusty

  5. #5
    I have a wirless connection of 20 MBytes
    and other than giving you a speed test i'm not quite sure what else i can give you regarding my connection speed Immagine.jpg

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