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Thread: Slow motion cam

  1. #1

    Slow motion cam

    After your shot, while reloading, option for a kind of "mind's eye" review of the previous shot (how the shot was aimed, including small movements etc and the bullet slow motion trajectory to here it hit).
    Press the "review shot" key and see if you shot high, low or went wide off target and by how much. Most importantly, correlate your actions to the poor result and learn to shoot better.
    The sequence could take about 6 seconds of the mandatory 15 to reload, enough for a few seconds of ALT look for targets before the reload is finished.

    After 4 weeks playing WoR, it's still a mystery where my bullets go and a surprise when I drop someone anywhere beyond 20 meters!!

    PS. could be done also as a simple screenshot at the moment of fire and an x where the bullet hit, saved directly on the HDD. Would prefer the cinematic version, though !
    Last edited by EneCtin; 02-28-2019 at 06:50 PM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Aw, come on, don't be so bad ! I'm not interested in that gratuitous gore.
    And, most importantly, the cam will start on your aiming vista and follow the bullet trajectory, not self congratulate you on your 2km shot to the eye of some guy. It's meant as a teaching device (the aiming post image at the moment of fire and the resulting bullet hit)

    But I can appreciate your attempt at discrediting the suggestion with the lowest example you could find. Thanks (I guess)!
    Last edited by EneCtin; 02-28-2019 at 07:53 PM.

  4. #4
    Ted E. Bear's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    an indirect kill counter/hit marker. Thats gonna be a no for me chief. If you want to learn how to shoot hit up the drill camps. - My twitch channel - CaptainTeddybear's Youtube - Big Iron Gaming Discord. - Big Iron Gaming Steam group.

  5. #5

    USA General of the Army

    Oleander's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Its a no from me.

  6. #6

    CSA Captain

    Soulfly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    The only thing I would love to see is an end screen showing your "results", but definitely a no for hit markers, kill feed or anything in that direction. Just because this is the most realistic thing, shooting and not knowing if you hit.....or at what sometimes

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