Quote Originally Posted by Munger123 View Post
I used to re-enact the civil war a few years ago as part of a group in England. I was with the CSA as a company member of the Palmetto Sharpshooters.
Knowing this, in generalities just blows my mind. How and Why people would get together to reenact history that wasn't actually a part of their national heritage. I mean I would totally understand if you said you were in to American Revolution or War of 1812 reenacting ...

Yes, I know, there are folks here whose ancestors came to the U.S. at that time and participated, but it always surprises me to see the numbers of Europeans who reenact American History.

And I am aware of many foreign nationals on this board who also participate in their country with reenactments of the American Civil War. But I feel I have to say, I don't see many national Americans reenacting much European national history.

So I guess I'm missing the reciprocity aspect. So, Thank You folks that do this.